Richmond Auto Mall

Web Site

Online  Auto Shopping

Richmond Auto Mall's fully dynamic and responsive car shopping experience.

Browse over 3000 vehicles from 14 different dealerships - At one website

Richmond Auto Mall's fully dynamic and responsive car shopping experience with a comprehensive database of over 3000 used vehicles, allowing shoppers to browse all available inventory from 14 dealerships in one convenient location.

As a web developer, Ravensfoot has been responsible for the design and management of Richmond Auto Mall's website since 2005. The website is designed for a single physical location that comprises multiple car dealerships, also known as the auto mall. Over the past 14 years, the website has evolved into a fully dynamic and responsive car shopping experience, making it an essential component of the auto mall's online presence.

One of the most significant features of the website is its fully automated system that aggregates data from all 14 dealerships nightly. This process results in a comprehensive database of over 3000 used vehicles, providing shoppers with a one-stop-shop for all available inventory. This feature streamlines the car shopping experience, making it easier for shoppers to browse all the available used vehicles on a single website.

In addition to the extensive inventory, the website boasts several other features that enhance the car shopping experience. For example, vehicle search results include up to 32 photos of the car, along with any other feature data entered by the dealership. Shoppers can also save vehicles to a virtual garage for later browsing, and create vehicle alerts that notify them when a vehicle matching their query becomes available at any of the 14 dealerships.

Overall, is an exemplary multilingual website that showcases the capabilities of a skilled web developer. With its automated system, extensive inventory, and user-friendly features, it is a prime example of how a website can enhance the online presence of a business.

  • Multi Language
  • Custom developed inventory scraper
  • Vehicle Alert System
  • Calculator
  • Current Promotions

Clean, Effective Design

"Ravensfoot has been working with Richmond Auto Mall since 2005 and has continuously brought new ideas and expertise to the table. They are very knowledgeable about all areas of web design and development and have always provided excellent value. I would definitely recommend Ravensfoot to anyone looking for a contemporary solution to web based marketing."
- Gail Terry
General Manager Richmond Auto Mall Association